
How to smooth pepakura patterns
How to smooth pepakura patterns

how to smooth pepakura patterns

Check out the rest of this collection for instructions on how to create more pieces of the costume.

how to smooth pepakura patterns

This instructable is also part of my How to Become a Superhero collection which is a series of tutorials that walk you through designing and constructing your own superhero costume. If you are intrigued after this instructable and want to dive deeper, check out this collection of superhero related projects where you'll find a lot of other great EVA foam tutorials. The world of EVA foam costuming is a rabbit hole, and many foam armor projects are ridiculously complex and take hundreds of hours and a lot of patience to build, but this is an beginner lesson designed to introduce you to some of the basic techniques through the creation of a relatively simple shoulder piece for a superhero costume.

how to smooth pepakura patterns

With enough skill and the right tools and patience, it can be finished to look like almost any material. It is especially beloved by cosplayers and prop makes because it is lightweight, cheap, and can easily be cut, carved, and even heat shaped to create interesting forms. EVA Foam is a great material for constructing costumes and props of all different kinds, from period armor and swords to slick futuristic robots.

How to smooth pepakura patterns